The Blessed Sacrament is exposed for adoration the first Friday of each month following the 9:00am Mass and ending with the 12:05 noon Mass. The Divine Mercy Chapel is also open 24/7 for adoration with the door access code.
Contact: Frances Huertas at 253.640.7734
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We welcome you to explore becoming Catholic through our Adult Christian Initiation program.
Contact: Gerry Gabel at [email protected] or through the office at 520.458.2925
Boys and girls who have received First Communion may train to be altar servers for any of the weekend Masses.
We are always in need of altar servers, and provide training usually two times a year.
Contact: Genevieve Rivera at 520.458.2925
The Altar Society’s main objective is to care for the altar and altar linens.
Contact Carol Cooke at [email protected] or 520.227.7795 for more info.
GriefShare is a nationwide biblical support group that is focused on helping people who are dealing with a loved one’s death.
We meet every Wednesday, 5 7:00 p.m. in Madonna Hall, room #3
The Blessed Is She Women’s Group usually meets on the first Saturday of every month at 10 a.m. in Madonna Hall. We invite women of all ages and stages of life to gather for prayer, study materials and reflection, and building sisterhood.
Sign up to receive texts from us via Flocknote by texting StAndrewSV to #84576 and choosing the “Women’s Group.”
Our mission is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Scout Law.
We meet at the Columbian Association Hall (156 NW Kayetan Ave), Monday evenings from 6 - 7:30 PM.
Cursillos groups meet weekly to discuss growing in piety, study, and action. Ultreyas (a monthly grouping of group reunions) meet the 4th Saturday of the month, except when otherwise specified. Locations and times vary. Come and learn what Cursillo is all about! You do not have to be a Cursillista to join the group reunions and Ultreyas.
We nurture genuine belief in the Real Presence of Our Lord in the Most Holy Eucharist.
We assist the priest in administering the sacraments of Holy Communion. We also take the Blessed Sacrament to those who are ill, or otherwise unable to attend Mass.
Confirmed parishioners of good standing may train to be an Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. Contact: Deacon Bill at 520-266-9393
The club participates in community outreach activities, and cultural & social events to promulgate the Filipino culture and traditions. We meet once every two months.
Contact: Dorthy "Dot" Carampatan at (480) 258-1070 or [email protected]
The Fellowship of Catholic University Students ministers to college students across the United States.
Parishioners from St. Andrew's financially support two FOCUS missionaries.
Father Anthony Corcoran, SJ, is a son of St. Andrew and is currently serving as the apostolic administrator of the Church in Kyrgyzstan. Father Corcoran, a member of the Jesuits U.S. Central and Southern Province, has served since 2008 as Apostolic Administrator of Krygyzstan.
Fr. Silas Bogati serves a small Catholic community in Nepal.
Fr. Silas Bogati on the Church in Nepal: “Our mission is to bring consolation and trust.”
Our ministry coordinates receptions in Madonna Hall following the funeral services for loved ones.
Please contact Imelda Castillo through the office at 520-458-2925.
The folkloric dance group to foster traditions of Mexico's dance and culture.
Contact: Patricia Ortega: 940-273-4330
We are greeters and ushers at St. Andrew's. Contact: Bob Oates 520.378.1255.
Our ministry reaches out to those who are imprisoned. Contact: Lupita Teran at 520-458-2925.
Our parish supports Joan Martin on mission in Haiti.
The Ladies of St. Andrew was established to encourage women of the parish to perform charitable works for the parish community and to provide an opportunity to meet for spiritual and social activities. Contact: Fran Cassidy – President 520-803-0298
The Lector Ministry proclaims the Word of God at Mass. Contact Frances Lal at 520-236-3015
Scheduling information is found here.
The Legion of Mary is a lay apostolic association of Catholics who, with the sanction of the Church and under the powerful leadership of Mary Immaculate, Mediatrix of All Graces, serve the Church and their neighbor on a voluntary basis in about 170 countries. We have both Spanish speaking and English speaking praesidiums.
Life Teen is a movement within the Roman Catholic Church leading teenagers and their families into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church.
We meet Sunday evenings after the 5 PM Mass, from 6:30-8 PM. Contact Dcn. Bill at 520-266-9393 for more info.
The Life Teen bands (Adult and Teen) lead music at 5pm Sunday Mass.
Contact: Bill Polakowski @ [email protected] or 520-266-9393
Come join other men and share a 30 to 45-minute prayer session on Tuesday mornings at 6 a.m. in the Divine Mercy Chapel (south side of the church).
Contact: Steve Conroy 520.266.0558
A group of Catholic moms who meet twice a month, to discuss spiritual readings and support each other in prayer.
Contact the office for more infromation at 520.458.2925
Our choirs provide music and song for our Masses. Please join us!
Contact: Rebecca Williams at 459-5079 or [email protected]
Novena group of Our Lady of Perpetual Help. We pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy and meet weekly on Wednesday evenings at 6pm.
Contact: Rexie & Don DeVries at 378-0230 or [email protected]
We have many books and videos for both children and adults on our Faith and Catholic values.
The library is open on Sunday morning from 9 am until noon, also on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 am until noon.
Preparing for the sacrament of marriage begins here. Couples must contact the Parish Office 6 months before the intended date of the wedding. Contact: Deacon John Klein at 520-458-2925
We repair and make rosaries for those who who need them. No skill needed!
We meet each Thursday evening in Madonna Hall from 5:30-7:30 PM. Contact Maria Evans through the Parish Office 458-2925
We meet as a group devoted to prayer, worship and song. Our group meets in the Divine Mercy Chapel on Tuesday evenings from 6:00 - 7:30 PM.
Contact: Phil O’Brien at 520.459.0669
Carmelite Seculars, together with the Friars and Nuns, are sons and daughters of the Order of Our Lady of Mount Carmel and of St. Teresa of Jesus. We meet in Madonna Hall on the 2nd Saturday of every month after the 9 AM Mass. Contact: Helen Garcia at 520.591.0278
The St. Andrew the Apostle Parish Social Concerns Committee provides a link between the parish and the Tucson Diocese and with organizations in the local community.
Contact Linda Klein at [email protected] or 520-803-0956.
Volunteers who set up microphones and operate the audio-visual equipment during church services.
Contact: Victor Martinez 520.220.0279
We distribute food to those in need.
Contact: Stan Garner at 520-458-9725
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is a charity organization that offers person-to-person services to men, women and children in need.
Or contact Pauline Fredericks at 520.234.5788
St. Paul Street Evangelization is a grassroots, non-profit Catholic evangelization organization, dedicated to responding to the mandate of Jesus to preach the Gospel to all nations by taking our Catholic Faith to the streets. Contact: Jude Nichoison at 520.508.7301