Directory of Ministries and Organizations

Marriage Requirements:

  • Catholic party must be registered in the Parish
  • Couples must contact the Parish Office for an appointment with a priest or deacon 6 months before the intended date of the wedding
  • Couples must receive pre-marital instruction- this is provided by the Parish after initial meeting with a priest or deacon
  • Provide copy of baptismal certificate
  • If seeking validation for a civil marriage please provide a copy of civil marriage license

Deacon John Klein at 520-458-2925

You can send Deacon John an email HERE.

For Wedding ceremony preparations contact: Ann Lund at 520.227.3179


Struggling and need marriage help?

Retrouvaille Marriage Help - National

Retrouvaille Marriage Help - Tucson


For information on annulments contact Deacon John Klein through the office at 520.458.2925