
Our Confirmation program is based on the Life Teen model?

Our Bible verse for the program is Acts 1:8 “you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be my the ends of the earth.

Our 2-year program is designed to support our young people to know, love and serve God within the family of the Catholic Church, as committed disciples of Jesus Christ in readiness for a full outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the day of their Confirmation.

Registration is in early August and classes are every Monday that Buena is in session from the last Monday in August until Confirmation on the 2nd Sunday after Easter.

Confirmation 1 meets in Madonna Hall from 7:00-8:15 PM Monday nights per the schedule.

Confirmation 2 meets in Kino Hall from 7:00-8:15 PM Monday nights per the schedule.

Contact Deacon Bill Polakowski @ 520-266-9393 or for more Confirmation information!