The Knights of Columbus are Prolife.  We oppose all laws that destroy the sanctity of life at all stages.

Arizona ballot proposition 139 intends to enshrine abortion and many other dangers to unborn life into the Arizona constitution.  For information, check this Facebook

page for resources:

You can also check this website for information resources:

Right to life means fight for life!


From the Population Research Institute:

Catholic Charities Exposed: An investigation by the Lepanto Institute has found that a significant majority of employees from several Catholic charities, including Catholic Charities USA, Covenant House, and Catholic Relief Services, are donating to pro-abortion and pro-LGBT Democrat candidates or causes. 99% of Catholic Relief Services’ employees in particular donate to Democratic initiatives. Earlier this year, a field investigation conducted by the Lepanto Institute and the Population Research Institute of CRS’s projects in Cameroon, Zimbabwe, and Lesotho exposed the charity promoting masturbation, condoms, and abortion in the African nations.

“Our friends at The Lepanto Institute have once again looked into political campaign contributions by the staff of major Catholic charitable institutions,” says Mr. Mosher. “It turns out that Catholic Relief Services, Catholic Charities, Covenant House, St. Vincent de Paul, Cross Catholic Outreach and Jesuit Refugee Service overwhelmingly support anti-Catholic Democrat candidates and causes. Only the Knights of Columbus staff was supporting Church doctrine on Life through their political contributions to pro-life candidates. My sons and I are proud to be members of the Knights of Columbus.”