Saint Francis of Assisi Assembly, number 2058

Welcome to the Patriotic Degree of the Knights of Columbus!

This page is home for the Assembly with members from Bishop Salpoint Council, Our Lady of the Mountains Council, Sacred Heart Council and Our Lady of Lourdes Council here in southeast Arizona.

Our page is under construction, so please excuse our organization as it shifts and grows.


Assembly 2058 Officers for Fraternal Year 1 July 2024 – 30 June 2025

Faithful Navigator:  SK Frank Liebsch - 520-234-7148  [email protected]

Faithful Friar:  SK Father Robert Neske

Faithful Admiral:  SK Michael Schrauth

Faithful Captain / Color Corps Commander:  SK Dale Hammond  -  520-256-1256   [email protected]

Faithful Pilot:  SK Stephen Vukomanovich

Faithful Comptroller:  SK Kyle Clanton

Faithful Scribe:  SK John Skarhus

Faithful Purser:  SK Rob Bridges

Inner Sentinel:  SK Mike Zehr

Outer Sentinel:  SK Victor Schrauth

One-Year Trustee:  SK John Goodman

Two-Year Trustee:  SK Michael Benton

Three-Year Trustee:  SK Doug Jacques


Several year ago Past Supreme Master Dennis Stoddard stated “The fourth principle ‘Patriotism,’ commits our members to the preservation of our Church, our Order and to the many nations where Knights serve”.  Would you believe that the first example he gave in his article involved our Assembly 2058?  Read the article at this link:  Who Are the Fourth Degree Knights?

Learn even more at this link for Arizona 4th Degree and the many activities in our 4-state area known as a Province.

Our emphasis this fraternal year includes:

  • Color Corps Support to Church, Patriotic and Community Events
  • Veterans Issues such as transportation, housing and medical care
  • Warriors to Lourdes
  • Veterans Memorial Improvement
  • Social Communications (web portal, calendar, email)
  • Vocations and Clerical Support
  • Support to widows/widowers
  • Support to our Brother Sir Knights and their Families.
  • Increased Membership in our Order and in the Patriotic Degree


The assembly 2058 meetings are held the third Monday of each month at 7:00 P.M at the Columbian Association Hall located at 157 W Keyetan, Sierra Vista, Arizona.  We start each meeting by praying the Rosary and then conducting normal business.  You can read the Faithful Navigator Reports at this link.


We have 136 members in our assembly.   To become a Patriotic Degree member, the following rules are applied according to our by-laws:

Applications for membership in the Fourth Degree may
be made to any Assembly provided the applicant is:
(i) Over eighteen years of age.
(ii) A citizen of the country in which he resides, or with
permission of the Master of the District over the area
where he claims citizenship, with the understanding
that if permission is granted the pledge of allegiance
will be to the country of citizenship.
(iii) A Third Degree member in good standing in his
(iv) A former member whose membership was terminat-
ed for failure to pay dues or by a withdrawal card if
he has been readmitted to good standing in his
council and if he was a Third Degree member for a
period of more than six months prior to his loss of
good standing in his council.
(v) A practical Catholic in union with the Holy See.

If you would be interested in membership in the fourth degree / patriotic degree, you can fill out a Form 4.  Speak to one of the Sir Knights or one of the officers to get the form and they will prepare and sponsor you to become a Sir Knight in the Patriotic Degree.  Our admissions committee chairman is our Faithful Admiral, SK Michael Schrauth.  Please pass your membership application forms and packet information to SK Michael well in advance of the scheduled exemplification for 4th Degree membership.

NEXT EXEMPLIFICATION: February 8, 2025, Yuma Arizona.  Register here:

Our Membership and Admissions committees are now combined under the chairmanship of our Faithful Admiral.  We want to provide more outreach to potential members.  We have business cards for you to use in signing up members online as well as for soliciting membership in the Patriotic Degree.  Please let me know if you find the cards useful in approaching men to become Knights and Patriot Degree members.  Success stories especially welcomed.  

Rules and Guides

Everything in a nutshell can be learned at this link: 4th Degree Resources at the Supreme website.  Our cuurent by-laws for the assembly are contained at this page link: .


We use email generated from a server at the Supreme website for officers.  For more visibility and planning consideration, we will also use an online Calendar found at this link: 2058 Calendar.  Feel free to send the Faithful Navigator a note for calendar events you think should be added.  We will also develop an Assembly Newsletter.  We will post them here on a subordinate page.  If you would like to produce and edit the newsletter, please let us know.  We have also initiated a Facebook page for better outreach to all Knights.  The Facebook page is found by clicking this link.  You are encouraged to contact the Faithful Navigator for any matter of concern.

Wellness and Unity

It is important to aid our Brothers and their families in times of their need, especially when severe illness or death occurs.  Please notify the faithful navigator when these situations arise.  In addition to prayers, we can offer help for financial distress or skilled assistance in home environments.  Let us know of any situation and we will help in a confidential manner to assist those in need.  Contact the faithful navigator at his email or phone shown above in the officers section.

The Faithful Navigator announced that we are reinstituting the Welfare committee to address the needs of our Brother Sir Knights and their families who suffer from distress, illness or incapacitation.  I would like to see visits to those who are homebound or in care centers, offering our support as needed.  We still need a chairman for the committee – if you feel able and willing to serve as chairman, please let the Faithful Navigator know.  The list of Sick and Distressed is maintained by our Faithful Scribe and it will forwarded to our members for their prayers and support each month.   

Color Corps

All Sir Knights are eligible to serve as a member of the Color Corps.  The Color Corps performs ceremonial duties concerning the American and State flags for many events in our community.  The Color Corps members serve as flag bearers, carry swords, and post the flags in a respectful manner to add patriotic decorum to events and activities.  The Color Corps is one of the most important activities of the 4th Degree also known as the Patriotic Degree.  Contact the Color Corps Commander shown under the officers section for questions.


Warriors to Lourdes

Sierra Vista Veterans Memorial Improvement

Widows and Widowers Breakfast

Honorary Members

End-of-Life Support

Chalice Program


Vivat JESUS!