"This is where we're led....this is where we're fed."
Mass Times
8:00 AM
10:00 AM 
12:00 Noon (Spanish) 
5:00 PM
Mon - Fri Daily Mass
9:00 AM
12:05 PM
9:00 AM 
5:00 PM (Vigil)
6:30 PM at Good Shepherd Mission (Whetstone)
Masses on Holy Days of Obligation are usually 9 AM, 12 Noon, and 7 PM (bilingual)
+ Reconciliation +
Weekdays: 8:30-8:55 AM – before the Mass
Saturdays: 8:30-8:55 AM and 3:30-4:55 PM
Sundays: 7:30 – 7:55 AM and 4:30-4:45 PM
Anytime by appointment