Directory of Ministries and Organizations

 "Nascantur in Admiratione" - Let them be born in wonder

Since 1988, Adult Christian Initiation (formerly RCIA) has been mandated as the ordinary way adults are brought into full communion with the Catholic faith, whether from another Christian denomination or through baptism.  Adult Christian Initiation is designed to be a progressive journey of faith and a recurrent experience of conversion not only for the inquirer but also for the whole Catholic community.

The formation of new members is a communal responsibility.  It encompasses each phase of parish life:  witnessing, praying together, studying Scripture, sharing liturgy and fellowship.  Although the primary aim of Adult Christian Initiation is the formation of new Catholics, a parish in which Adult Christian Initiation flourishes experiences additional benefits.  In its gradual unfolding, Adult Christian Initiation process calls to mind the challenge and responsibility of every Catholic.  It gives parishioners a deeper sense of what conversion means and emphasizes the Church's identity as a community of faith and the people of God.

Catholics within St. Andrew's parish community can become involved in Adult Christian Initiation by being sponsors, working on the Adult Christian Initiation team, sharing personal faith stories, and actively searching for those who have no faith community or identity.

We also offer a second-year option for folks interested in deepening their faith and understanding of the teachings of the Church. These classes are open to any baptized/confirmed Catholic. Please reach out to let us know if you'd like to join us.

ACI meets on Thursdays at 6:30 - 8PM in Madonna Hall from Sep - May. Please reach out to find out more about joining us.

Contact Gerry Gabel at [email protected] or through the office at 520.458.2925