From Our Chaplain


Dear Brothers in Christ, 

We have come to the threshold of a new year! I pray that the passage into this new year of grace will inspire each of you to step over a threshold of recommitment…a resolution to take time to open your heart to the unconditional and abundant love that God offers you, walking with you in the ordinary events of each day.  Christmas is a celebration of God’s coming to earth in the flesh of the Eternal Word, and not only in JESUS, the love and light of God lives in each of us also, and in all of creation…if we are open to seeing it.

Epiphany means MANIFESTATION… God is SEEN, shown to us as a human being. We marvel at the story of those “wise men”, following a star that led them to JESUS, LIGHT of the WORLD!  They journeyed toward the light… just as we can journey into and through this new year, trusting in the guiding light of the Holy Spirit. 

This is 2021, a new year (and we are all anxious to have a new and safe world where we can meet and serve again)!  As we continue to give great physical attention to mask and social distancing from others, as an act of charity - for everyone’s safety, we could take advantage of this time to give attention to our inner spiritual health: 
Spending time 

  • examining my “heart health”, resolving to take steps toward repairing relationships, forgiving myself and becoming the person that God has created and redeemed me to be.
  • examining my “seeing health”, resolving to look for and celebrate the goodness around me, seeing Christ in the eyes of those around me.
  • And examining my “hearing health”, resolving to listen for the voice of God, as He speaks to me, through Scripture, the teachings of the Church, and my conscience; listening to the deep down truth, wisdom and beliefs that are waiting for my attention and action.

Even a pinpoint of light has a great effect in darkness.  Let your light shine, Brothers!


Fr. Greg


Upcoming Events

Council 4584 Upcoming Events

Here is a list of upcoming activities and important dates for the Council

  • Brothers we have coffee and donuts on the 2nd of March, please come assist and greet your fellow parishioners and brother Knights.
  • The next officers meeting is 4 March in the lower Hall starting at 6pm all are welcome.
  • The next business meeting will be 11 March in the lower Hall with the rosary starting at 7pm, please bring a brother Knight who has not attended in a while if you can.
  • The next Highway Cleanup is March 1st, start at 8am at the Police Station off of Coronado.
  • Fish Fry’s will start on the 7th March, our 40 days for Lent will be part of that event as well.  Knights will be needed to assist with this event.
  • Brothers, please ensure your dues are paid up, please contact the FinSec to make arrangements to get dues paid cash, checks or Zelle are options; please contact him at [email protected].
  • Are you a Knight and are looking for a program to lead?  We have several that are in need of new chairmen.  Most are very easy and you will have help, reach out to the Grand Knight for more information.
  • When asking a man to join the Knights of Columbus, do so by initiating a conversation.  Ask him a question like, "What do you know about the Knights of Columbus?"  This initiates a response and opens the door for a conversation.
  • Do not ask questions like, "Do you want to join the Knights?" or "Do you want to hear about the Knights?"  because the answer to these questions is "No." 
  • Instead, ask him what he knows about the Knights.  If he is responsive, you have an opportunity to start the conversation a few ways (some suggestions listed below), but make it your conversation, something that you are comfortable talking about.


Brother Knights....

Brothers, many of you already show your support to the numerous ministries within our Parish, for that we thank you!!  For many of our brothers, scheduling is an issue; kids’ sports, school activities, work and so on…As brother Knights we are all called to serve, there are many ways to serve and by serving we become better fathers, husbands, better men.  We do not ask you to be part of all the events that we do; find the one that calls you.  So, I ask all brother Knights what calls you to be a Knight?  Where can you serve?

Recent Events

Here are some highlights from recent events

We want to welcome the new slate of officers for the next Fraternal Year - Thank you for all who have chosen to serve!

The Council also want to thank all of the brother Knights who assisted with the two Ice Cream Socials and assisted in the reception for Msgr. Greg.  Special thanks to Doug Jacques, Alan Balzarini, Dale Hammond, David Grubb, Stephen Vukomanovich, Larry Carter, John Goodman, Paul McMackin, Robert Benton, Michael Benton, Jonanthan Benton and several family members.  Between the three events we went through 14 tubs of ice cream which is over 42 gallons of ice cream!

Please give a hearty congratulations to the June Knight of the Month: Michael Zehr, this month Gerry Katie Gabel were chosen as Family of the Month for June!



Join a Bingo Team!!

Help Earn Money For Your Council!!


The number of games is being reduced allowing the sessions to end earlier. 

Each member who signs in will earn $75 for the the session they work. 

Bingo is on Sunday and Wednesday evenings.

Please call the hall 520-458-3939 and join a team. 

There are four teams rotating monthly. 

That means your team would only be up once a month.

During the month of April, the Columbian Association donated $1950 to our council.

By lending their support, brother knights help raise needed funds to continue works of charity in our community.  




Please come to our next business meeting held every second Tuesday at the Columbian Hall starting at 7:00pm.

All are welcome to the Officers Meetings at 6pm every first Tuesday!


Council Programs

View the Program Director's Monthly Activity Reports for FY 2023-2024

July  August  September  October  November  December January  February  March  April   May  June

Faith in Action Program

We are named Bishop Salpointe Council.  You can become part of our Council Faith in Action Program when you join.

We have a rich set of programs and projects where you can assist in any of the four areas shown in the Kinghts of Columbus Program Model.

Click on the drop-down menu above under Knights Council 4584>Programs and explore the opportunities.


Another Important Feature of Membership is Our Insurance.  The Knights of Columbus was founded to take care of widows and children who were left behind when their husbands/fathers died.  The Knights began an insurance program to sustain their families in the event of their passing.  We encourage you to take advantage of this service.  Click on the link above image below to see more information on our insurance program.

Knights of Columbus Insurance Program

You can be the Strong Right Arm